Monday, August 12, 2013

Week of 8/12 to 8/16

Students will be placed in collaborative groups. Each group will create a design for the PHS 50th anniversary. IGD students will begin Adobe skills training.

Collaborative groups will transfer sketches to the computer. Adobe illustrator will be used to create logo. Logos will be judged, and the top 3 will be made into banners. IGD will begin sketches for the CD jewel case design.

Collaborative groups will continue to refine their designs. They will crititque each other in progress. IGD students will identify Photoshop toolsets and prepare for assessment

Collaborative groups will  continue to refine design and print when ready. Illustrative techniques will be reviewed. IGD will continue Adobe skills training and continue to develop ideas for the CD project.
Students will vote on the best designs. The top 3 will be made into posters and presented to the 50th anniversary committee. One or two will be used for production. IGD students will be assessed on the Photoshop tools.

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