Sunday, April 15, 2012

Contest for Career-Tech Showcase 4-16-12 to 4-20-12

EQ(s): How can I use Photoshop to create a project for the Career-Tech Showcase?
How can I use Photoshop to create a composite for an art contest?

How can I create a composite digital project to keep the viewer's attention?

Technology Standard(s): Adobe Systems Software ( Photoshop CS)

ELA10LSV1 The student participates in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, and

group verbal interactions.

ACCT-IGD-17. Students will identify and understand the differences in page

layout, raster based photo manipulation, and vector based graphic software


a. Identify and demonstrate the basic capabilities of page layout, raster

based photo manipulation, and vector based software applications as they

apply to the completion of graphic communications projects.

Contest (all classes)

1. Lecture and discuss rules of competition

2. Identify theme for contest

3. Research former winners

4. Complete entry form

5. Create composite using various elements of contest

6. Print composite

7. Prepare for display

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