MONDAYGraphic design standards activity will be completed. Screen coating will continue as needed, as the students coat screens for their project. Marketing and product / package design continues on the computer. Students may select an Adobe application program like Illustrator to complete the marketing for their original drink/product. GDP students begin marketing for an original cereal marketing project. CTAE Expo mini show signs are in production.
Professional development for teachers; student holiday.
All projects continue: Marketing for IGD is the Drink project, and for GDP is the cereal box project. Market analysis, sketches and actual product are due by friday.
Text composition vocabulary activity.
Marketing projects include: the product, the ad campaign and a multi-media presentation. Each will be presented to the instructor for a grade. Text composition review, as text composition assessment will be given on Friday.
All projects continue: Marketing for IGD is the Drink project, and for GDP is the cereal box project. Market analysis, sketches and actual product are due by friday.
Text composition quiz. CTAE posters brought outside to see how they fit the space. Alterations are made as needed.
New Attendance Incentive – Getting students to school makes a difference in their performance and the overall school performance. The Leadership Team with input from the staff developed the following Attendance Incentive that will begin effective Oct. 8, 2012. Students who meet the criteria listed are eligible:
Exempting Final Exams with grades of 80 or higher
- Absent with only one approved excuse; unexcused absences do not count.
- The student may select one final exam to exempt if their grade is an 80 or above before the exam is administered.
- Exemption forms will be available in the Main Office, Guidance Office, Media Center and online.
- Exemption forms must be given to the classroom teacher where the final will be exempted.
- The classroom teacher will verify attendance using Pinnacle and OnTrack.
- All exemption forms will be given to the Department Chair.
10% Added to Final Exams with grades of 79% and below
- Absent with only one approved excuse; unexcused absences do not count.
- The student may select one class where 10% points will be added to the final exam.
- Exemption forms will be available in the Main Office, Guidance Office, Media Center and online.
- Exemption forms must be given to the classroom teacher where the final will be exempted.
- The classroom teacher will verify attendance using Pinnacle and OnTrack.
- All exemption forms will be given to the Department Chair.
This is a great opportunity for students. The procedures will be monitored to prevent abuse.
Pebblebrook High School Calendar