Friday, August 14, 2015

Week of 8-17-15 to 8-21-15


AAVTC-GDP-2 Build upon previous knowledge and demonstrate proper equipment operation and follow procedures in a safe manner and achieve 100 percent on a written or demonstration safety test.
Safety Quiz
AAVTC-GDP-6 Explore color and the variety of methods in which it can be applied. Interpret and apply color models through graphic manipulations.
Re-branding Sketch
Sketch to Computer
Adobe illustrator tools and techniques


AAVTC-GDP-6 Explore color and the variety of methods in which it can be applied. Interpret and apply color models through graphic manipulations.
Re-branding Sketch
Sketch to Computer
Adobe illustrator tools and techniques
Creative Brief Notes

AAVTC-GDP-6 Explore color and the variety of methods in which it can be applied. Interpret and apply color models through graphic manipulations.
Re-branding Sketch
Sketch to Computer
Adobe illustrator tools and techniques
Creative Brief (Build the Brief)


AAVTC-GDP-6 Explore color and the variety of methods in which it can be applied. Interpret and apply color models through graphic manipulations.
Re-branding Sketch
Sketch to Computer
Adobe illustrator tools and techniques
Creative Brief (Finish the Brief)
Drink Bottle label from Re-Brand


AAVTC-GDP-6 Explore color and the variety of methods in which it can be applied. Interpret and apply color models through graphic manipulations.
Re-branding Sketch
Sketch to Computer
Adobe illustrator tools and techniques
Creative Brief (Print)
Drink Bottle label from Re-Brand (Print and attach to bottle)

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