Sunday, August 30, 2015

Week of 8-31-15 to 9-4-15


AAVTC-GDP-4  Understand and demonstrate the fundamental basic elements and principles of design.

AAVTC-GDP-5  Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental basics of a creative brief and demonstrate the proper usage.

AAVTC-GDP-6 Explore color and the variety of methods in which it can be applied. Interpret and apply color models through graphic manipulations. Identify the output issues involving color and demonstrate the proper usage.

Demonstrate an understanding of how color impacts the creative strategy of a project.
Choose and implement optimal color schemes\
Product design
Label for product
Ad. for product
Animated GIF for product
AAVTC-GDP-4  Understand and demonstrate the fundamental basic elements and principles of design.

AAVTC-GDP-5  Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental basics of a creative brief and demonstrate the proper usage.

AAVTC-GDP-6 Explore color and the variety of methods in which it can be applied. Interpret and apply color models through graphic manipulations. Identify the output issues involving color and demonstrate the proper usage.
Demonstrate an understanding of how color impacts the creative strategy of a project.
Choose and implement optimal color schemes\
Product design
Label for product
Ad. for product
Animated GIF for product
Product is Due

AAVTC-GDP-4  Understand and demonstrate the fundamental basic elements and principles of design.

AAVTC-GDP-5  Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental basics of a creative brief and demonstrate the proper usage.

AAVTC-GDP-6 Explore color and the variety of methods in which it can be applied. Interpret and apply color models through graphic manipulations. Identify the output issues involving color and demonstrate the proper usage.
Demonstrate the requirements and the importance of developing a creative brief on the job.
Demonstrate the ability to identify the required audience.
Apply knowledge to determine project purpose and audience needs
Re-branded Logo
Business Cards
Note Card
Post Card

AAVTC-GDP-4  Understand and demonstrate the fundamental basic elements and principles of design.

AAVTC-GDP-5  Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental basics of a creative brief and demonstrate the proper usage.

AAVTC-GDP-6 Explore color and the variety of methods in which it can be applied. Interpret and apply color models through graphic manipulations. Identify the output issues involving color and demonstrate the proper usage.
Demonstrate the requirements and the importance of developing a creative brief on the job.
Demonstrate the ability to identify the required audience.
Apply knowledge to determine project purpose and audience needs
Re-branded Logo
Business Cards
Note Card
Post Card

AAVTC-GDP-4  Understand and demonstrate the fundamental basic elements and principles of design.

AAVTC-GDP-5  Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental basics of a creative brief and demonstrate the proper usage.

AAVTC-GDP-6 Explore color and the variety of methods in which it can be applied. Interpret and apply color models through graphic manipulations. Identify the output issues involving color and demonstrate the proper usage.
Demonstrate the requirements and the importance of developing a creative brief on the job.
Demonstrate the ability to identify the required audience.
Apply knowledge to determine project purpose and audience needRe-branded Logo
Business Cards
Note Card
Post Card
AD for Product is due

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